Let's keep your business plan safe!

...to all the entrepreneurs

Running your own project means having a complete overview of what is happening around your business. But that is only the “sunny top” of the mountain of work. Lots of gathered documentation, project plan prep, invoices, signing of commercial deals, and the list continues on, precedes the ultimate entrepreneur’s goal of “having a successful business”. At all this work it is important to have the core of your business protected. And when do you, as an entrepreneur, need to start protecting your work? Read on.

Sooner or later you have to put your idea on a paper

Let's get back to the baseline. Imagine you have an exciting idea you have been having locked up in your head for ages! Sooner or later comes the moment when you need to get it out. To the world and make it real, tangible. You realize you need to put together a business plan.

Lets go quickly over what a proper business plan should include

For the starter, the US Small business Administration advises the following: Put together an executive summary where you explain your idea and its potential. Then, present - top to bottom - what is basically the filling of your company. What is crucial and necessary when we talk about starting a company is market analysis - this instrument is going to settle the milestones which will be paramount for your potential investors - and you want to be especially careful with those. Think about organization and management. Start with putting down the ideas, be creative, and see this matter from various points of view. See to having these ideas protected as well. Whether we continue on with the list of services or product lines, pre-negotiated business deals and collaborations, marketing and sales plan, or the idea of future funding resources along with a financial plan, one day you have to take all these papers and files and present it off to someone who may not necessarily become a part of it but may get deeply inspired by your work. And who knows - suddenly your broad and detailed business plan may easily be japperdised and quickly devalued.

As an entrepreneur, having long term contracts, working on an innovation or just starting off on a green field. You need to protect your work and ideas.

Mytitle your ideas today & stay tuned

Start with Mytitle for free and try how easy it is to get your “formated” ideas protected and covered with your own timestamp so you can finally kick off your future business. Go to our website to learn more about Mytitle, follow us on social media, and continue down the topics here on our blog. We are trying to make the topic of idea and data protection comprehensible, but do not hesitate to contact us in case you can't find the answers to your questions.